Dear Delegates,
Thank you for your service to our party. Service such as yours is what keeps our republic and party great.
Our party and our nation are at a critical juncture. We must decide if we will remain committed to the principles which have made us the greatest nation on the face of the earth. I believe that a Republican Party committed to its core principles is essential for our nation to remain strong.
As the father of five children, I am concerned for their future. I am blessed to have a supportive wife, who supports me in my efforts to serve the party. In my profession, I currently run the retail operations for a major telecommunications company in the state and have an MBA from Utah State University.
It has been my privilage to represent Davis County on the Republican State Central Committee for 10 years. On the state level I have served as vice chair of the State Constitution and Bylaws committee and as a member of the rules, resolutions and finance committees. This past year I represented Utah as a delegate to the national convention.
I currently serve as Legislative 18 Chair in Davis County and as vice chair of the County Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Prior service includes rules and elections chair.
For the past three years, I have been the chairman of Grassroots and have written their legislative report since 2001 (
We must continue the Republican sweep of Davis County, while insuring that we remain committed to our platform. Davis County voters must know that their is a real difference between the two parties. In addition, we must operate the party in a way that all feel they have a voice and our elections are run with integrity.
In 2008, I wrote and sponsored a bylaw in Davis County which called on all candidates to state whether they supported the party platform.
Since I was vice chair of the State Constitution and Bylaws Committee, I have joined with others to insure state delegates have a voice in the party. I have spoken on state convention floor to protect the rights of state delegates to sponsor bylaws and constitutional amendments.
I led the effort in Davis County to pass Amendment Three which protected traditional marriage.
In 2004, I sponsored resolutions at county and state conventions which called upon the State Senate to pass an abortion resolution that it has not passed the previous session. The bill passed that session. I also passed resolutions in 2000 which called upon the party to choose a pro life vice presidential nominee.
I am proud to be a conservative who supports our party platform. You know I will stand strong for you and the party because I have done so in the past. If elected I will make my self accessible to you.
Thank You,
Don Guymon