Sunday, September 21, 2008


This week the government announced a major bail out of banks to avoid an economic crisis. While perhaps heading off an economic crisis in the near future, the government is simply putting more debt upon the backs of American citizens. Debt that will have to be repaid one day and debt that undoubtedly will go into the hands of foreign interests (namely the Chinese who once upon a time said they had the capability of hitting Los Angeles with a nuclear weapon).

This is nothing more than welfare. Government hand outs are bad--whether it be personal or corporate. Unforunately, there is little no accountability in our society. Everyone realizes that the government will pull them out of any crisis they put themselves into.

And this is a crisis of our own creation--do not doubt that. Where once upon a time our society saved its money and worked hard to move up into bigger and better homes and a bigger and better lifestyle; today we have a sense of entitlement. We need to have it all and we have to have it all right now.

Unfortunately there were credit institutions all to willing to prey upon this entitlement mentality. Overstating incomes, loan scams and no down payment housing plans became the norm.

Now those that did it the right way. Those who worked hard to save and who bought homes they could afford are being asked to bail out those who were not responsible.

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