Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hate Crimes

In today's Salt Lake Tribune Paul Rolly critisizes the state legislature for not passing hate crimes legislation.

In 2005; I wrote about the danger of hate crimes legislation in the annual GrassRoots report:

The left is always quick to use hate as a reason that conservatives do what they do.

Look at the protests against the LDS Church because of their position on California's Proposition Eight. Those in favor of Gay Marriage were quick to say the Church had taken its position out of hate.

Anyone who has ever listened to Thomas S. Monson should know that he is not a man filled with hate. In fact, there is probably not a more compassionate loving man on the face of the earth. He is a great example for us to follow. From his story as a boy of giving away his railroad car to the numerous visits to the hospitals. He is a man who has truly followed to admonition of Christ to be like Him.

Getting back to the reason that hate crimes are bad (and I would anticipate that individuals will use the protests against the LDS Church to push hate crimes legislation at the state legislture). When you begin to look at someone's motives behind why they commit a crime; you begin to get on shaky ground. The only way you can look at motives is to look at thoughts.

Hence you begin to punish an individual because of the way he thinks.

And because those on the left think that those who want a certain level of morality in this country are filled with hate. It will not be a stretch before they begin to make these hate crimes.

We have seen what one bad judge who would rather create law than interpret law will do.

In the world we are seeing churches being punished for their teachings on homosexuality.

Hate crimes legislation is a Pandora's Box. Once you open the lid; the lid will not be shut.

The First Amendment will be on shaky ground.

Churches who teach morality will be on shaky ground.

Here's hoping the legislature says not to hate crimes legislation.